Arthur Murray Dance Studio, established in 1913 and franchising since 1938, offers a unique opportunity to operate a renowned dance studio. Arthur Murray International, Inc. is the franchisor, with headquarters in Coral Gables, Florida. The franchise is designed for individuals who have experience operating dance studios or have been involved closely in the dance studio business.
Interested in joining the Arthur Murray family? Here's a breakdown of the estimated initial investment:
Arthur Murray Dance Studio franchisees are subject to the following fees:
Although franchisees typically have experience in operating dance studios, Arthur Murray International offers optional training programs:
Arthur Murray Dance Studio franchisees must adhere to the following operational guidelines:
The initial franchise term is for five years. The agreement renews automatically for successive five-year terms, provided neither party gives three months' notice of non-renewal.
Arthur Murray International does not offer direct or indirect financing to franchisees. Prospective franchisees must secure their financing independently.
For a detailed breakdown of costs, fees, and obligations, download the Arthur Murray Dance Studio franchise disclosure document or fill out the free information request form on this page.
Franchise Disclosure Documents are available for free download. 3-page PDF files are available without entering your name and email address, and full-length PDF files are available for free download after entering your name, phone, and email address.
Locations: 2,000
Locations: 139
Locations: 755
Locations: 3
Locations: 159
Locations: 603