Discover the delightful world of Mister Softee, a cherished ice cream truck franchise that has brought joy to children and adults alike since 1956. With its easily recognizable brand, complete with a memorable jingle and a cone-headed character, Mister Softee offers a unique business opportunity in the booming ice cream industry.
Mister Softee specializes in soft-serve ice cream, offering a variety of delectable desserts, including:
The franchise operates over 624 ice cream trucks and continues to expand domestically and internationally, with locations even in China and the United Kingdom.
Investing in a Mister Softee franchise involves the following costs:
The branded truck, costing approximately $115,000 in total, plays a pivotal role in your business, serving as both a sales venue and a mobile advertisement.
Mister Softee's business model revolves around mobile ice cream sales, allowing franchisees to target specific areas and events, such as:
Franchisees have the flexibility to set prices for these events, enhancing their revenue potential.
Mister Softee provides substantial support to its franchisees, including:
These tools and financial support make it easier for franchisees to establish and grow their businesses effectively.
What sets Mister Softee apart from other franchises?
Interested in learning more about the Mister Softee franchise opportunity? Fill out the free information request form on this page to get access to the Franchise Disclosure Document and take the first step towards owning your very own Mister Softee ice cream truck.
Franchise Disclosure Documents are available for free download. 3-page PDF files are available without entering your name and email address, and full-length PDF files are available for free download after entering your name, phone, and email address.
Locations: 1,148
Locations: 621
Locations: 701
Locations: 950
Locations: 221
Locations: 374